Oh what a year it has been! Can you believe that Caz Life has been around for just over one year! Believe it!
We are still backed by the Greater Cazenovia-Area Chamber of Commerce (GCACC), but Caz Life (events) and Caz Life Business (business member benefits) have taken on huge momentum and a life of their own, it seems.
We have been told that we don't toot our own horn nearly enough for all the effort we put into the community, so here goes -- toot toot!
See below for a list of 2024 projects, objectives, accomplishments and initiatives we have been working on...
With the collaboration of the community, Caz Life has helped plan, promote and raise funds for many successful community events including but not limited to -- Caz Night Out, Winter Fest, Fall Fest, The Giving Tree, Spooky Soiree (Annual Meeting), Dining Week, The Christmas Walk & Tree Lighting, Summer Fest, etc.
Cazenovia’s Fall Festival proved to be one of Cazenovia's busiest weekends in recent history. Thanks to marketing initiatives, Caz Life website clicks and in-person traffic reached a record high.
Created first-ever 'Caz Life Social' events for business members to mix and mingle in a casual setting to encourage collaboration, networking and community morale.
Created the most successful event fundraiser of the year (Spooky Soirée) which raised record funds for Caz Life event initiatives and community promotion.
Created and shared highly engaging community and business content daily on our instagram (2,300 followers) and Facebook (5,400 followers) channels.
Created hundreds of original blog posts which garner tens of thousand of views directing people to Cazenovia-area businesses and events.
Maintained a highly effective tourism calendar which continues to get record views for events in the area.
Secured donations for the purchase of an ice rink in Cazenovia exclusively for curling. This initiative is all part of an effort to encourage cold weather tourism. Additional assets to support included the creation of a 'Winter in Cazenovia' webpage, paid social media ads, google ad campaign and a Syracuse billboard all focused on “Winter in Cazenovia”.
Partnered with CACDA and CazArts to receive the Al Stirpe Grant of $30,000 to go towards 'Winter in Cazenovia' event planning (including Winterfest) with an additional $10,000 towards marketing which included a billboard, radio, digital and print.
Partnered with CACDA and CazArts to receive the Market NY grant in the sum of $50,000 over two years. The remaining budget will be allocated to support seasonal tourism during our slower months, as well as Winter Fest 2024 and Fall Fest 2025.
Created the first-ever Cazenovia Dining Week(s) which created a noticeable boost in restaurant sales during two of the slowest weeks annually in the industry.

Partnered with CazCares and Community Bank to strengthen Cazenovia's Giving Tree event which provides local families in-need with holiday gifts for their children. www.cazenovia.com/thegivingtree
Met with the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce to compare notes on issues facing our communities and solutions that could benefit us both. We are opening the lines of communication with the hopes of partnering together in the future on events and initiatives. We see ourselves as very comparable communities and look forward to creating a synergistic relationship together.
Met with Madison County Tourism to see how best we could work together. We have discussed marketing and cross promotion via Facebook and on the MCT extranet. We are in preliminary talks on bringing training programs to Cazenovia businesses to better explain marketing opportunities through Madison County.
Created a Go Fund Me account for the Cazenovia Garden Club and secured funds that were desperately needed to beautify the community during the holidays and all summer long.
Created a Go Fund Me account for Cazenovia Area Community Development Association (CACDA) to help raise funds for new lights for the town Christmas tree.
Offered a co-op program to pay 20% of local business advertising during our inaugural year

Increased the number of scholarships awarded to High School students going on to college in the fall.
Through a partnership with the school board, Caz Life created the first work-based learning program with Cazenovia High School.
Through our work-based learning program, we've created valuable advertisements for members by way of social media/ instagram reels.
Created a robust list of member benefits for Caz Life Business members including free tile ads on the Caz Life website, directory member listing, social media content, email campaign content, curated blog content and more.
In collaboration with Eagle News, Caz Life created and distributed a free directory guide for member businesses to be featured in. We are now exploring the possibility of community maps/ tourism guides to be distributed to local businesses.
Hotels and inns in the area were provided QR code table tents to promote tourism and events to travelers.
Created the Ezra Greenleaf Weld Community Awards commemorating community members who go above and beyond to make Cazenovia a wonderful place to work and live.
Created the "Lincklean Revitalization Committee" to spearhead an effort to purchase the Catherine Cummings Theater for community use. Local residents have brought this project into phase II with potential progress slated for Fall 2025.