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Member Spotlight - Cazenovia Preservation Foundation

Walk Among The Spirits is back!

October 26th, 27th & 28th

(Raindate: Oct. 29th)

7:00­­­–8:00 p.m.

Evergreen Cemetery

Please use the Burton Street Entrance.

No entry is permitted from Fenner St. during the event.

Brave guests will be led by lantern light among the headstones in historic Evergreen Cemetery and come face to face with souls of Cazenovia’s past who will share their tales of adventure and intrigue!

Location: Parking available at 22 Burton St. (near the ice rink) or at Burton Street Elementary.

Time: Tours depart every 10 minutes, 7 - 8 p.m.

Cost: Tickets available onsite only. Cash and local check preferred, cards accepted.

$12 Adults

$6 Students and Seniors

This event is fun for all ages, but be aware that there is some uneven footing on the walking paths. Please wear appropriate walking shoes and dress for the weather. Your lantern-lit tour will last approximately one hour.

Light refreshments will be served.

In case of inclement weather, see for update


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