Let’s take a moment to celebrate the successes of the holidays! Thanks to this active and involved community we were able to accomplish some pretty incredible things in the last few weeks of 2024 including:
The Giving Tree, our annual holiday toy drive in partnership with Community Bank and Caz Cares was a resounding success serving over 100 local children in need and providing them with Christmas gifts.
Kudos to Lori Lewis, Fred Agerter and their team of merry-makers for bringing the community together again for the annual Christmas Walk & Tree Lighting on December 6th. Despite the cold temperatures and snow, we had an incredible turn out!
We are delighted to say that thanks to the generosity of the whole community we were able to brighten the village Christmas tree with brand new lights! Over $2,500 were raised to support this endeavor, making the holidays in Cazenovia just a little more magical.
After a huge summertime fundraiser for the Cazenovia Garden Club, we were excited to see the money get put to good use for new greenery and holiday decorations going on main street.

And as for the tree, well it looked incredible this year! Check out the photos below taken by our very own Juli Trush-Pace of Raven's Frame Photography.

On The New Lights:
“On Saturday, November 23rd a group of residents joined forces with Tom Tait at the Village Office to prepare the LED lights for the Village Christmas Tree. There were 880 bulbs to be set over 1,300 feet! Helping Tom were Susie and Russ Grills, Mike, Kate, Mary, Clay and Quinn Sinsabaugh, Suzanne Munger, Deb Amidon representing the Lions Club, Linda and Terry Smith, Joan and Randy Light and Barb Clark. Also offering their service were Dave Eichorn of Cazenovia Artisans and Kevin Markowski of Cazenovia American Legion Post 88. The lights will soon be placed on the tree by Tom with generously donated help from Jon and Amanda Kogut of Spruce Ridge Landscape and Garden Center. Today’s efforts demonstrate the beauty and vital importance of volunteerism within Cazenovia. The lights are made possible by many generous donations through GoFundMe, thanks to Lori Lewis, Caz Life and Lauren Lines of CACDA.” - Thomas Tait, Village of Cazenovia

On The Giving Tree:
“ I have been a part of this since it started…someone from Caz Cares approached me the first year because they were running short of gifts and I just loved everything about it and helped it to grow by asking local shops to hand out tags for the month of November. The Chamber now Caz Life has helped make this special every year by promoting and supporting this wonderful cause.” - Barb Houghton, Community Bank, NA